Monday, 16 February 2009

Heart of Hawick Project.

Miss Robson has been working with a team of local teachers on the 'Heart of Hawick Project'. This project is being directed by Mrs Judith Murray of Hawick High School Art Department. Miss Robson aims to create teaching resources for teachers and pupils who visit the project.
As part of the project several pupils from within Kelso High School have been selected to produce responses to local views. They have been encouraged to experiment with different mediums.


Mr I King said...

Excellent stuff here!

Mrs Renwick said...

Well done KHS Art Department - I am so impressed with the talents of all involved in this blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

Super chance to view some of the work! Loved the handbag!

Ms McDermott said...

Amazing work and a great idea from the Art Department. Love the S3 horse mirror design !