Friday, 8 May 2009

Art/Technical Departments- Exhibition of Pupil Work

On Thursday 28 May between 5pm and 7.30pm in room 32 the Art Department and Technical Department are holding an exhibition of S3. Art folios and S4. Technical work.

Parents of pupils undertaking these courses are warmly invited to attend. During the morning break on Friday 29 May coffee will be served in room 32 and staff are invited to attend.

The Art exhibition will consist of a display of Product Design and Expressive folios and the Technical exhibition will feature 3d pieces of furniture.

Friday, 20 February 2009

S2. Totem Poles

Lesson 3. Today we were sticking white paper onto our totem poles. We did this to strengthen our totem poles and so that when we paint them the newspaper does not show through. Remember to keep reading our blog to see how our totem poles are getting on!

S2 Totem Poles

[Lesson 2] The next part of the process, was to pick out your favourite distorted face and create it with papier mache on a toilet roll tube. We used the newspaper to build up the nose, mouth and ears etc. Keep checking up to find out the next part to making our Totem Poles!

S2 Totem Poles

Our class have been working towards making a Totem Pole. (Lesson one) We began by drawing our own faces using a mirror, we then distorted our pictures by bending the mirrors. This made our faces look wider, thinner, bigger and smaller. We hope you enjoy viewing the process of making our Totem Poles.

S1. Lizard Project

Watch lizard creatures evolving.

Our class are working on designing lizards. Lesson 1 was about drawing our lizards from a picture and some of us got onto painting. We also learned about Gaudi. Lesson 2 we began to paint it all, with alot of patterns and colours like a lizard would have. Then and in Lesson 3 we started working on building it.

To build it we use wire frame and make a body out of it. Then we add newspaper to give it a body, then some paper mache and paint it.

Keep checking to find out more.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Heart of Hawick Project.

Miss Robson has been working with a team of local teachers on the 'Heart of Hawick Project'. This project is being directed by Mrs Judith Murray of Hawick High School Art Department. Miss Robson aims to create teaching resources for teachers and pupils who visit the project.
As part of the project several pupils from within Kelso High School have been selected to produce responses to local views. They have been encouraged to experiment with different mediums.